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Together, we’re making a difference for the climate

We at PostNord are working to reduce our own climate footprint, as well as those of our suppliers and, by extension, our customers. The targets are specific and measurable, and the work is well under way.

A fossil-free future

We deliver 4.5 million letters and 600,000 parcels every day. Our transport operations run all over the country – 24/7. And yes, this means a whole lot of greenhouse gas emissions. That is why we have to shoulder our responsibility and lead the letter and logistics industry into a future of reduced carbon emissions. 

We have an ambitious plan for reducing our climate footprint. With our Science Based Targets for the climate, we are on our way to a fossil-free future.

Climate goals in line with the Paris Agreement

The entire PostNord Group has overarching climate goals that have been approved by the independent organization: Science Based Targets Initiative. This means that our ambitions to reduce our climate footprint align with the Paris Agreement – and that we are playing our part in keeping the increase in global temperature below 1.5 degrees.

How we’re reducing our climate emissions

There is one principal goal on our sustainability agenda: We are to be fossil-free no later than 2030. This means that all our properties and vehicles are to be powered using renewable energy. We are to achieve this aim through efficient logistics, electrification and renewable fuels.

Two subsidiary goals en route:

  • Zero emissions for the last mile by 2027. In practice, this means that we are only to use electric vehicles for the final stretch of the delivery route – to our service points and parcel lockers, and for home delivery.
  • Reduce fossil emissions from our entire operation by 40 percent by 2025, compared to 2020.

Environmental issues and improvements

We are working systematically with environmental issues and improvements, and our management system is certified in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. In order to reach our goals, we are focusing on innovation and working relationships with other operators in the industry. Our aim is to supply logistics services that are truly excellent – and sustainable. 

We have a tough task a head of us, no doubt about it. But as a leading logistics company and one of the largest employers in Sweden, both we and our sustainable choices can make a big difference for the climate.

A sustainable workplace

We care for our people – employees and contract personnel alike.

How we are promoting a sustainable workplace
How we are promoting a sustainable workplace