The Stamp Year 2021
New year, new stamps. We hope that the themes and motifs we have planned will make it even more fun for you to send your greetings and letters and to add to your collection of attractive designs. You will find links to earlier stamps years furhter down on this page.
As always, this year’s stamp program contains a mix of themes and motifs. We believe and hope that you will find something to suit your specific needs.
The first stamp edition of 2021 includes a booklet focusing on our environment and the environmental work that is underway to save and preserve Sweden’s unique and sensitive natural world. The Riksdag (Swedish parliament) has set 16 environmental quality targets and we show some of these on the five stamps. The theme of this year’s Europa stamps is Endangered Wildlife, and the coil stamp features the European green toad, which is critically endangered. In Sweden, there are now only a few to be found, in Skåne and Blekinge provinces.
Other themes during the year include two centenaries; master engraver Czeslaw Slania would have turned 100 years old this year, and the second cause for celebration is that it is exactly 100 years since women were first given the right to vote. Late summer flowers, beautiful Swedish household porcelain and airplanes are some of the other exciting motifs to come during the year.
We end in traditional fashion with the year’s Christmas stamps and a wintery theme that will be suitable for your letters and cards throughout the winter.
The stamp year begins with motifs that focus on our environment and the environmental work that is going on to save and preserve various unique and sensitive nature. The Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) has filled up 16 environmental quality goals and on the stamps we show some of the goals illustrated by Henning Trollbäck. We also pay attention to the fact that Gothenburg celebrates 400 years. The stamps show some of what can be discovered and experienced in Gothenburg.
Continuation of the stamp year 2021 will be published in the beginning of January 2021.
Complete stamp issues are available in the Shop.
Policy for dealing with stamp images
The following applies to all publication unless otherwise agreed or approved:
- The stamp shall be portrayed in its entirety and with cancellation mark.
- The stamp image may not be altered. Sweden, denomination and perforation shall be included.
The images can be freely used in editorial texts about the stamps. All other use requires permission.
January 14, 2021
Precious nature

The stamp motifs focus on our environment and the environmental work that is going on to save and preserve various unique and sensitive nature. The Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) has filled up 16 environmental quality goals and on the stamps we show some of the goals illustrated by Henning Trollbäck.
Booklet, 10 stamps, 5 motifs, domestic letters.
Coil stamp, 100 pcs/coil, 1 motif, SEK 24.
Gothenburg’s 400th anniversary, Gothenburgers’ Gothenburg

In 2021, Gothenburg celebrates its 400th anniversary. As part of the celebration, an entirely new map of Gothenburg has been created – Gothenburg Jubilee Map. During 2020, residents were invited to put
forward places and buildings from their neighborhoods.
This was a major feat of collation that resulted in 100 places of interest from across the city, which were illustrated by ten local illustrators. The illustrations create a visual journey through Gothenburg as seen by its inhabitants and show how much there is to discover and experience. Some of the illustrations have been used to form the collage
comprising the 5 stamp designs.
Booklet, 10 stamps, 5 motifs, domestic letters.
April 29
100 years of voting rights for women

In May 1919, a decision was pushed through allowing women to vote as well as men, and a 35-year struggle and wait was over. In the 1921 election, women and men were able to cast their votes on equal terms – and the first five women subsequently took their seats in the Riksdag.
Booklet, 10 stamps, 5 motifs, domestic letters.

For this stamp series, we have brought together works by the most prominent designers from the heyday of the Swedish porcelain industry, from companies such as Gustavsberg and Gefle/Ekeby. Their household porcelain needed to be not only beautiful but also durable and functional.
Booklet, 5 stamps, 5 motifs, SEK 24.00.
Coil stamps, 100/coil, 1 motif, domestic letters.
Queen Silvia 2021

The stamp featuring the Swedish Queen now comes in a new color and with the current postage for sending items of up to 50 grams abroad.
Coil stamps, 100/coil, 1 motif, SEK 24.00.
August 26
Late summer flowers
When you choose cut flowers for a bouquet according to what is in season and grown close to where you live, you are making a smart choice from an environmental point of view – and it can also be economical.
Booklet, 10 stamps, 5 motifs, domestic letters.
Coil stamps, 100/coil, 1 motif, domestic letters.
Fire fighting
Forest fires are dramatic and devastating in many ways and, with climate change, we will no doubt have to get used to them occurring more and more often in the future. These stamps draw attention to the efforts made to fight forest fires, especially from the air.
Minisheets, 3 stamps, 3 motifs, SEK 24.00.
October 22
Centenary of Czeslaw Slania’s birth
Stamp engraver to the Royal Court Czeslaw Slania is globally unique. No other engraver has been so prolific. October 22, 2021 would have been his 100th birthday, and we mark that special day with 1 stamp motif in a minisheet.
Minisheet, 1 stamp, 1 motifs, SEK 100.00.
November 11
The Garden Gnomes’ Christmas – Christmas mail 2021
Sending greetings is a cherished tradition at Christmas. Many people prefer to send a physical greeting in the form of a Christmas card. There will, of course, be Christmas stamps as usual this year, designed to be particularly suitable for your Christmas greetings.
Booklet, 10 stamps, 10 motifs, Christmas mail.
Coil stamps, 100/coil, 1 motif, domestic letters.
Get outdoors and enjoy!
Friluftslivets år 2021 – the Year of Outdoor Recreation 2021
A winter motif that will work well for letters and greetings throughout the winter.
Booklet, 10 stamps, 5 motifs, domestic letters.