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Addressed Direct Mail

Create engaging offers, provide inspiration through catalogues, send discount codes or samples. When you send ADM, your message has maximum impact.
Contact me about DM

Boost your customer relationship with Addressed Direct Mail

Do you want to drive traffic to your e-commerce and physical store? Then Addressed Direct Mail is what you need.

Do you want to generate commitment through your communication? With Addressed Direct Mail (ADM) you can both build relationships with existing customers, identify new customers in your target audience, drive traffic to your website and attract customers to your store. You reach your customers without being intrusive. Simply and effectively.

There are many advantages of Addressed Direct Mail. You reach precisely the right target audience. You can make selections based on age, gender, purchasing power, car ownership, interests, lifestyle and much more. It is easy to adapt the message so that it becomes more relevant to the target audience and arouses their interest. Also, recipients themselves can decide when, where and how they want to receive the mailing. This helps ensure that your recipients take in your message and take action based on it. If you have no customer database of your own, we can help you with finding addresses that match your target audience through the Addresses service.

Content and labeling

ADM mail items may only contain advertising. Advertising means messages whose content has been produced with the sole purpose of marketing products or services and does not entail any obligations for the recipient.

With Addressed Direct Mail you can reach all recipients all over the country, both consumers and companies. Both the name and postal address of the recipient and sender must be visible on the mail item. The shipment items must also be marked with B, PP Sverige Port Payé, ej retur or with a special label block Hållbart med PostNord. Download label blocks.

What is known as a clear space must be left on the mail item. This means that you leave space on the envelope where we print a sorting code. You can read more about clear spaces and labeling in the document How to send items correctly with PostNord (pdf).

Handing in

You can hand in your mail items as unsorted or sorted shipments. When you hand in your items, you bring with you a printed shipping note (which you receive when you generate your electronic invoicing data). A sample copy of the mail item must always be handed in along with the invoicing documentation. The sample copy must be an unaddressed and open mail item. 

Among our fact sheets, for example, Adresserad DR (Addressed Direct Mail), is a pdf with a list of drop-off points and letter areas.


ADM is normally delivered no later than the fourth working day after the consignment date, along with other mail by PostNord’s mail carriers.

Sustainable with PostNord

ADM is always classified as Sustainable with PostNord and can be marked with a special label block.


ADM items that have not been able to be delivered to the recipient due to the recipient is unknown or the recipient's address is incorrect or incomplete will not be returned to the sender. These items will be destroyed by PostNord.

What does the service cost?

Information about prices (In Swedish)

Want to know more about ADM?

We would be happy to tell you more about addressed direct mail. Simply enter your details in the form and we will contact you.
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Sustainable with PostNord

ADM is included among the services as a whole have a high climate performance.

Read more about Sustainable with PostNord
Read more about Sustainable with PostNord

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