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2022-03-24 14:45

PostNord in Sweden suspends all postal items to and from Russia and Belarus

As of today, March 24, 2022, PostNord in Sweden will neither forward nor accept postal items (letter-post items, parcel-post items and EMS items)  to and from Russia and Belarus.

PostNord has made the assessment that a suspension is necessary in order for the company to be able to comply with the sanctions that the EU has decided on against Russia and Belarus.

This temporary suspension will be in force until a screening system is in place that makes it possible to resume postal flows to and from these countries while complying with the sanctions, or until the sanctions come to an end.

As previously has been communicated, PostNord has already ceased all commercial logistics flows to and from these countries. Postal flows will thus also be affected from the date stated above.

Mail items addressed to Russia and Belarus will be returned to respective sender. In the event that information on senders is missing, items will be handled in consultation with the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency.

Last Updated: 2022-03-24 14:45