Many companies plan new ventures in Nordic region
New study of logistics operators in Nordic retail, wholesale and manufacturing industries.
Nearly four of ten Nordic logistics purchasers plan to start new ventures that will impact their logistics within the next five years. These new ventures are planned primarily in the Nordic region, according to Posten Logistik's new report "Nordic Logistics Barometer." The report also shows that more than half of Nordic logistics companies see no scope for eco-efficient transportation that entails a price increase or longer delivery times.
In compiling the Nordic Logistics Barometer, Posten Logistik consulted 1,800 Nordic companies within the retail, wholesale and manufacturing sectors. Several questions were posed, including those dealing with the companies' demands for eco-efficient transportation and their plans to open new ventures. The results of the study show:
Big plans for expansion in the Nordics - Nearly four out of ten companies, 37 per cent, plan to open new business ventures in the coming five years. Of these companies, nearly 80 per cent plan to expand in the Nordic region. After the Nordic countries, Eastern Europe and Russia are the most interesting in terms of expansion plans, especially for Danish and Finnish companies.
Price and delivery precision challenge environmentalism - Over half of Nordic logistics purchasers see no scope for eco-efficient transportation which entails price increases or longer delivery times. Danish companies see the least scope; Swedes see the most.
ISO certification most important for logistics purchasers - ISO certification is the most common environmental requirement imposed on logistics suppliers by Nordic companies. More than one-quarter of the companies surveyed, 27 per cent, require their logistics suppliers to be ISO certified. Nineteen per cent of the respondents request that their logistics supplier practices sustainability accounting and uses eco-efficient fuel.
- Many logistics purchasers view the Nordic region as a single market. The study shows that both intra-Nordic transportation and demand for cross-border logistics solutions will continue to grow in the Nordics. The study also shows that we logistics suppliers are facing many tough challenges. Combining delivery precision with a high level of eco-efficiency, without increasing prices, is a clear mandate from our clients, says Henrik Höjsgaard, CEO of Posten Logistik.
The study also includes interviews with leading managers from the retail, wholesale and manufacturing industries. Johan Jemdahl, Head of Distribution Logistics at LM Ericsson, stresses that the trend is toward a more regionalised supply-chain configuration.
- It's neither cost-effective nor eco-efficient to transport freight all around the world. We're already working on decreasing the volume of our air transport, and we will continue with this effort. Our goal is to increase the volume we ship by land. The degree of intermodalism will also increase, says Johan Jemdahl.
Read more:
Follow the link below to download the entire report: "Nordic Logistics Barometer 2008 - A report on challenges and trends in the Nordic logistics market."
For further information:
Markus Trautmann, Media Manager for Posten Logistik, ph: 08-781 74 33, e-mail:
Posten Media Relations, ph: 08-23 10 10, e-mail:
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