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We Mail Omnichannel

If you send us your file we can handle your mailings, regardless of the desired channel – physical or digital.
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From digital to print – communicate with customers on their terms

Do you regularly send small mailings like invoices, account statements or mail from government agencies to your customers? Then you no doubt know that your customers like to be able to choose whether to receive information from you in their physical mailbox, to their internet bank, digital mailbox or eArkiv. With our We Mail Omnichannel service, you can easily fulfill customer requirements.

Do you regularly send small mailings like invoices, account statements or mail from government agencies to your customers? Then you no doubt know that your customers like to be able to choose whether to receive information from you in their physical mailbox, to their internet bank, digital mailbox or eArkiv. With our We Mail Omnichannel service, you can easily fulfill customer requirements.

We Mail Omnichannel allows you to easily communicate digitally in a number of different channels. The service means that your customers can receive information from you in exactly the way they choose. Digital mailings are delivered to the selected digital channel, for example in their internet bank or digital mailbox, and physical mailings are delivered to the recipient’s physical mailbox.

Besides having more satisfied customers, you save both time and money as the service manages all the digital channels and offers good postage prices even for small volumes.

How it works:

  1. You send a digital file to PostNord containing recipient addresses and the information that is to be included in the mailing.
  2. PostNord converts this file into a physical or digital mailing, and then sends this to the recipients listed by you.
  3. PostNord takes care of the printing, the enveloping and the distribution to recipients in the way they have chosen to receive mailings from you.
  4. If digital channel options have been chosen, PostNord sends the selected letters digitally.

What is included in the service?

The service includes printing, enveloping and postage, as well as sending in the following digital channels:

  • Digital mailboxes – forwarding to digital mailboxes such as Kivra, eBoks and Mina Meddelanden.
  • Internet bank invoice – saving and payment of invoices in an internet bank. Administration of subscribing and unsubscribing, as well as a web tool for monitoring the entire flow.
  • eArkiv – secure storage of all types of documents in electronic archives. Fast, flexible and cost-effective access to documents around the clock.

It is also possible to add response management, for receiving responses from recipients.

The service also handles electronic invoices to companies, such as Swefaktura.

We Mail Omnichannel – good for you and for your customers

The people you send information to benefit:

  • They can choose how they want to receive information from you, digitally or in paper format
  • They have increased opportunities for dialogue with you
  • They receive relevant information from you at the right time, in the way they have chosen

You benefit:

  • Ability to communicate digitally and physically with recipients throughout the Nordic region
  • More satisfied recipients of your mailings
  • Greater efficiency
  • Increased sales

How to get started with We Mail Omnichannel

In order to join the We Mail Omnichannel service, you need to enter into an agreement with us. Please contact us for more information.

As soon as you are a service agreement customer, we set up the necessary flows and procedures and test that everything works properly. It usually takes between 14 days and a month to get started with the service.